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Sponsoring Bay to Breakers 2012

This past weekend, the Senior Shower Project sponsored a house party on the famous Hayes street, the one true uphill climb of the 2012 Bay to Breakers race in San Francisco. At this event, there are thousands of costumed runners, teams, and families racing through the music filled streets of San Francisco. As a sponsor, I wanted to contribute to the festive party atmosphere by providing groovy beats and dance music. Plus, it was the first time for me to display my 6’x3′ vinyl banner so I was curious to know what type of attention the banner would receive. On race day, my DJ partner and I (dressed as Rufio from the movie Hook) had a fantastic time blasting upbeat tunes from 7am to noon. There was a continuous dancing crowd in front of our DJ station!

Also, I was very happy with the banner response. Many runners took pictures of the banner and asked about the purpose of the Senior Shower Project. My favorite moment was with Mr. Rubber Chicken (unfortunately, I don’t have his real name). I was setting up for the next music track when I saw him point to my banner and waved for me to go outside. I went outside and he thanked me for recognizing the senior caregiver community. He mentioned that he has worked with Alzheimer’s patients and seniors before. He also said that he races Bay to Breakers every year and on race day he delivers rubber chickens to the senior homes near the race course. Mr. Rubber Chicken rocks!